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Showing posts from January, 2011

BEHIND THE EXCITEMENT – A comparative study of the Sudan Secession

  It has been touted as the biggest story in Africa in recent times. So big is this story that it has been said that its magnitude of expectation, excitement and exuberance can only be rivaled by the FIFA 2010 World Cup hosted by South Africa and Africa at large for the first time. So big is this event that almost 300 accredited local and international media organizations from all over the world have set up camp in the various states of Southern Sudan so that the world can get up to the minute developments prior to, during and after the upcoming referendum to secede. Indeed, Africa has shown great expectation to the thought of the newest state – the 53 rd African state- and what it represents. Kenya has specifically shown great interest in the referendum not just because it has been host to thousands of Sudanese refugees but mainly because of the economic interests, possibilities and heavy investment from which Kenya is benefiting and stands to benefit from it the peop...