I recently finished reading a book by William Makepeace Thayer titled " From Farm House to the White House" - a book on the life of George Washington I got a beautiful quote from it ... some thing to ponder over: " Happy it is for this country that the general of their forces can safely be entrusted with the most unlimited power, and neither personal security, liberty, or property, be in the least degree endangered thereby ." And so we ask ... are our governments (or those that control them) willing - if afforded sweeping powers over security matters - to guarantee their citizenry, personal security, liberty, or property, freedom from endangerment is the least degree? Is the government of Kenya - even as it seeks more authority on matters security by means of the Security Laws (Amendment) Bill - committed to ensuring that personal security, liberty, or property shall be protected?? If not then fuck that piece of proposed legislation! My Ta...
Through the eye of a lawyer with a passion for human rights and social justice...