THE BELOW ARTICLE WAS PUBLISHED IN THE WEEKEND EDITION OF THE STAR NEWSPAPER - 5/04/2014 SATURDAY, APRIL 5, 2014 - 00:00 -- BY BEMIH KANYONGE IMPOVERISHED: Refugee women wait for food rations at Dadaab camp. The government?s newest encampment seems to care little about the dignity of refugees. Photo/File The massive use of force by the government, often to kill innocent people, violates several provisions of the constitution. And its treatment of refugees violates Kenya’s obligations under international law. Ever since it came in power, the government has shown no respect for the rule of law. Article 2 proclaims the supremacy of the constitution. Anything done outside the constitution is void. No one can claim or exercise authority that is not recognised by it. Article 10 emphasizes two of the key national values of leadership and governance: the rule of law and good governance. The senseless killing of innocent people at the hands of criminals in the Coa...
Through the eye of a lawyer with a passion for human rights and social justice...