Kenyan Parliament in session - Courtesy of the Daily Nation. Brushing through American politics I get amazed at the level of scrutiny with which both houses analyze actions by government. From the contraceptives debate, to the state vs. religion debate to the economy debate, I get amazed at the level of preparedness with which a congressman lashed out at the US Treasury Secretary for “the government’s lying to the American people” by claiming to fund projects that are in his opinion economically not viable considering the amount of debt the US already owes, going as far as comparing the US with “worse of European states like Greece.” Well before jumping on my neck and dismissing me for my outright ignorantia , yes I am fully aware that this is an election year, yes I am aware that the Congressman was a Republican, yes I am aware that the Bush administration made far more policy blunders than Obama may ever make, yes I do know that the grilling had a lot of political rhetoric and unde...
Through the eye of a lawyer with a passion for human rights and social justice...